I actually got interested in starting my own business based purely on my passions, ?however I noticed a different type of business owner who was more pragmatic. He was the kind of business owner who would sell shovels two Eskimos didn’t really care what he was selling he just like being in business. These kind of people are really dangerous when they’re pragmatism meet their passions in my opinion because they seem to have endless energy and they have endless interest.
Because of the facet that I have been led by my passions for most of my life rather than my pragmatism, I can’t prove this but I have to think that the same is true or the passion based entrepreneur. At some point if you can become just a tad more pragmatic in your thinking, holding true to what made you passionate, ?you will eventually find an alignment that will give you endless energy.
The key is not talking about it and delivering.
The pragmatic person delivers and that’s why he is so attractive in business.
Once in awhile when a passion base person gets it right though it is amazing. Also ability is not an individual thing. If you know what you are lacking in ?when it comes to ability, ?you can bring in hired workers. whether this be through actual employees or virtual assistants, mentors or reading books whatever is needed to get the job done.
I need to stop talking about this subject now and focus on delivering.